
发布者:孙杰 发布时间:2014-12-18 浏览次数:16959


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工  作


 2014.01至今:   威廉希尔体育app官网生态系教授、博士生导师





个人简介  Brief

陈光水,威廉希尔体育app官网生态学系教授,博士生导师,教育部创新团队骨干成员。主要从事亚热带森林根系结构与功能、森林碳循环及其对气候变化响应的研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、优秀青年基金项目、面上项目和青年项目各1项,973前期专项课题1项、福建省杰出青年科学基金项目及滚动项目各1项。在Ecology Letters, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Plant Cell and Environment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Tree Physiology, Forest Ecology and Management, 及《植物生态学报》《林业科学》《生态学报》《应用生态学报》等国内外核心期刊发表论文近100篇;发表论文被包括NatureScience等国内外期刊论文引用7000余篇次。参加成果获福建省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第二)和二等奖(排名第四)各1项。曾获霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖、福建省青年科技奖、福建省运盛青年科技奖,入选国家万人计划科技创新领军人才、福建省科技创新领军人才、福建省高校领军人才(青年拔尖)。



教学工作  Teaching Work



代表性论文 Selected Publications

  1. Lyu M, Homyak PM, Xie J*, Peñuelas J, Ryan MG, Xiong X, Sardans J, Lin W, Wang M, Chen G*, Yang Y. 2023. Litter quality controls tradeoffs in soil carbon decomposition and replenishment in a subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, in press.

  2. Chen M, Yao X*, Cheng H, Fan A, Lin R, Wang X, Yang Y, and Chen G*. 2023. Changes in Chinese fir plantations root exudation strategies seasonally and as tree age. Forest Ecology and Management, 545: 121239.

  3. Jiang, Q., L. Jia, Y. Chen, Z. Yang, S. Chen, D. Xiong, X. Liu, X. Wang, X. Yao, T. Chen, A. Fan, D. Wu, G. Chen*, and Y. Yang. 2023. Substrate and adenylate limit subtropical tree fine-root respiration under soil warming. Plant, Cell & Environment, doi: 10.1111/pce.14640.

  4. Wang X, Li S, Zhu B, Homyak PM, Chen G*, Yao X, Wu D, Yang Z, Lyu M*, Yang Y. 2023. Long-term nitrogen deposition inhibits soil priming effects by enhancing phosphorus limitation in a subtropical forest. Global Change Biology, 29(14): 4081-4093.

  5. Zhu, L., X. Yao, W. Chen, D. Robinson, X. Wang*, T. Chen, Q. Jiang, L. Jia, A. Fan, D. Wu, and G. Chen*. 2023. Plastic responses of below‐ground foraging traits to soil phosphorus‐rich patches across 17 coexisting AM tree species in a subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 111(4): 830-844.

  6. Jiang, Q., C. Lin, R. Guo, D. Xiong, X. Yao, X. Wang, T. Chen, L. Jia, D. Wu, A. Fan, G. Chen*, and Y. Yang. 2023. Root nitrogen uptake capacity of Chinese fir enhanced by warming and nitrogen addition. Tree Physiology, 43(1): 31–46

  7. Jiang, Q., L. Jia, X. Wang, W. Chen, D. Xiong, S. Chen, X. Liu, Z. Yang, X. Yao, T. Chen, A. Fan, G. Chen*, and Y. Yang. 2022. Soil warming alters fine root lifespan, phenology, and architecture in a Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 327: 109201

  8. Wang X, Wu D, Li S, Chen T, Chen R, Yin L, Yao X, Chen G*. 2022. Effects of C:N imbalance on soil microbial physiology in subtropical tree plantations associated with ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Geoderma, 422: 115932.

  9. Wang X, Xu C, Xiong D, Yao X, Chen T, Jiang Q, Jia L, Fan A, Chen G*. 2022. Root age-related response of fine root respiration of Chinese fir seedlings to soil warming. Tree Physiology, 42(6): 1177–1187.

  10. Zhu L Q, Sun J, Yao X D*, Wang X H, Huang J X, Xiong D C, Chen GS*. 2022. Fine root nutrient foraging ability in relation to carbon availability along a chronosequence of Chinese fir plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 507: 120003.

  11. Chen TT, Lin CF*, Song TT, Guo RQ, Cai YY, Chen WY, Xiong DC, Jiang Q, Chen GS*. 2021. Does root respiration of subtropical Chinese fir seedlings acclimate to seasonal temperature variation or experimental soil warming? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309: 108612.

  12. Zhu L, Lin C*, Huang C, Xiong D, Huang J, Chen G*. 2021. Root estimation accuracy and sampling representativeness in relation to sample size in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest: comparison between soil core and minirhizotron method. New Forests, 53: 661–678.

  13. Xiong D, Huang J, Yang Z, Cai Y, Lin T-C*, Liu X, Xu C, Chen S, Chen G*, Xie J, Li Y, and Yang Y. 2020. The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on fine root exudation rates in a young Chinese-fir stand. Forest Ecology and Management, 458:117793.

  14. Chen G*, Hobbie SE, Reich PB, Yang Y* and Robinson D. 2019. Allometry of fine roots in forest ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 22(2): 322-331.

  15. Zhao H, Chen Y, Xiong D, Huang J, Wang W, Yang Z, Chen G*, Yang Y. 2017. Fine root phenology differs among subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests with increasing tree diversities. Plant & Soil, 2017, 420: 481-491

  16. Huang JX, Chen GS*, Yang ZJ, Xiong DC, Guo JF, Xie JS, Robinson D, Yang YS*. 2016. Understory fine roots are more ephemeral than those of trees in subtropical Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook) stands. Annals of Forest Science, 73: 657–667.

  17. Chen YP, Chen GS *, Robinson D, Yang ZJ, Guo JF, Xie JS, Fu SL, Zhou LX,Yang YS*. 2016. Large amounts of easily decomposable carbon stored in subtropical forest subsoil are associated with r-strategy-dominated soil microbes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 95: 233-242.

  18. Chen GS*, Yang YS*, Yang ZJ, Gao R, Guo JF, Xie JS, Yin YF, Robinson D. 2016. Accelerated soil carbon turnover under tree plantations limits soil carbon storage. Scientific Reports, 6:19693.

  19. Chen GS*, Yang YS, Robinson D. 2014. Allometric constraints on, and trade-offs in, belowground carbon allocation and their control of soil respiration across global forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 20(5): 1674-1684.

  20. Chen GS*, Yang YS, Robinson D. 2013. Allocation of gross primary production in forest ecosystems: allometric constraints and environmental responses. New Phytologist, 200:1176-1186.

  21. Chen GS, Yang ZJ, Gao R, Guo JF, Xie JS, Huang ZQ, Yang YS*. 2013. Carbon storage in a chronosequence of Chinese fir plantations in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 300: 68-76.

  22. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Guo JF, Xie JS, Yang ZJ. 2011. Relationships between carbon allocation and partitioning of soil respiration across world mature forests. Plant Ecology, 212:195-206.

  23. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Xie JS, Guo JF, Gao R, Qian W. 2005. Conversion of a natural broad-leafed evergreen forest into pure plantation forests in a subtropical area: Effects on carbon storage.Annals of Forest Science, 62: 659-668.

  24. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Xie JS, Li L, Gao R. 2004. Soil biological changes for a natural forest and two plantations in subtropical China.Pedosphere, 14(3):297-304.

  25. 姜琦, 陈光水*, 陈廷廷, 张礼宏, 闫晓俊, 熊德成. 2019. 增温下土壤资源异质分布对杉木幼苗生长的影响. 应用生态学报, 30(7): 2156-2164.

  26. 史顺增, 熊德成, 邓飞, 冯建新, 许辰森, 钟波元, 陈云玉, 陈光水*, 杨玉盛. 2017. 土壤增温、氮添加及其交互作用对杉木幼苗细根生产的影响. 植物生态学报. 41(2): 186-195.

  27. 黄锦学, 凌华, 杨智杰, 卢正立, 熊德成, 陈光水*, 杨玉盛. 2012. 细柄阿丁枫和米槠细根寿命影响因素分析. 生态学报, 32(6): 1932-1942.

  28. 陈光水, 杨玉盛, 高 人, 谢锦升, 杨智杰, 毛艳玲. 2008. 杉木林年龄序列地下碳分配变化. 植物生态学报, 32 (6): 1285-1293.

  29. 陈光水, 杨玉盛, 王小国, 谢锦升, 高人, 李震. 2005. 格氏栲天然林与人工林根系呼吸季节动态及影响因素. 生态学报, 25(8): 1941-1947.

  30. 陈光水, 何宗明, 谢锦升, 杨玉盛, 蒋宗垲. 2004. 福建柏和杉木人工林细根生产力、分布及周转的比较. 林业科学, 40(4): 15-21.


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements

  1. 杨玉盛,陈光水,邹双全,郑金兴,高人,谢锦升,尹云锋,郭剑芬,郭家新,刘文忠. 杉木人工林碳吸存与碳计量技术. 福建省科学技术奖一等奖,2009

  2. 杨玉盛,谢锦升,何宗明,陈光水,邹双全.闽江流域常绿阔叶林理水保土与培肥地力作用机制研究,福建省科学技术奖二等奖,2007

  3. 陈光水,杨玉盛,何宗明,邹双全,林如青. 观光木杉木混交林的枯落物碳、养分和能量动态研究,福建省科学技术奖三等奖,2005


部分科研项目 Research projects

  1. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2021YFD220040303)。森林土壤有机碳形成、转化与稳定性机制。2021.12-2026.11

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(31830014)。土壤增温对杉木人工林根际激发效应的影响及机理。2019.1-2023.12

  3. 福建省杰出青年基金项目滚动资助项目(2014J07005)。土壤增温对杉木林地下碳输入和土壤有机碳周转的影响. 2015.1-2017.12

  4. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(31422012)。杉木细根寿命对全球环境变化的响应, 2015.1-2017.12

  5. 973前期专项课题(2014CB460602)。模拟增温对杉木细根物候、细根周转和碳分配的影响, 2014.10-2016.09

  6. 福建省科技厅公益类项目(2011R1037-4)。亚热带森林转换对红壤生态功能的影响及机制。2012-2013

  7. 福建省杰出青年基金项目(2010J06009)。人为干扰对中亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤碳吸存影响。2010-2013

  8. 国家自然科学基金项目(30972347)。杉木凋落物对土壤呼吸的激发效应机理。2010-2012

  9. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题(2008BAD95B08)。基于东南丘陵山地的果(茶)园复合系统固碳增汇技术研究与示范,2009-2011

  10. 国家自然科学基金项目(30300272)。速生阶段杉木林地下C库通量及对施肥的响应。2004-2006


研究生培养Graduate Student Cultivation
