
发布者:孙杰 发布时间:2019-03-22 浏览次数:13544


基本信息 Basic information









联系方式 Contact



办公电话:0591-83465214 ()   

电子邮箱:xgong1981@126.com   xgong@fjnu.edu.cn


研究方向 Research Interests



个人履历 Resume






2018.10—至今,   威廉希尔体育app官网,研究员




个人简介  Brief


1. 利用前沿稳定同位素技术(CNO)研究植物关键碳氮循环过程(光合、呼吸、氮同化等)对环境变化的响应机制;

2. 植物光合关键参数 (叶肉导度、日间呼吸速率)对植物个体以及群落碳收支的影响;

3. 全球变化背景下植物资源利用效率(水分、养分及碳素利用效率)权衡机制。

目前在New Phytologist, Plant Cell & Environment等知名学术期刊发表论文三十余篇;担任中国生态学会稳定同位素生态专业委员会委员、福建省创业创新领军人才(B类引进高层次人才)、SCI 期刊Frontiers in Plant Science编委、European Journal of Soil Science客座编辑和《地球科学与环境学报》编委,以及十余个专业期刊的审稿人。Researchgate个人主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaoying_Gong


教学工作  Teaching Work




代表性论文 Selected Publications


1. Gong XY*, Ma WT, Yu YZ, Fang K, Yang Y, Tcherkez G, Adams MA. 2022. Overestimated gains in water use efficiency by global forests. Global Change Biology 28 (16), 4923-4934

2. Sun YR, Ma WT, Xu YN, Wang X, Li L, Tcherkez G, Gong XY*. 2023. Short- and long-term responses of leaf day respiration to elevated atmospheric CO2. Plant Physiology, kiac582.

3. Ma WT, Yu YZ, Wang X, Gong XY*. 2022. Estimation of intrinsic water-use efficiency from δ13C signature of C3 leaves: assumptions and uncertainty. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 1037972

4. Ma WT, Tcherkez G, Wang XM, Schaufele R, Schnyder H, Yang Y, Gong XY*. 2021. Accounting for mesophyll conductance substantially improves 13C-based estimates of intrinsic water-use efficiency. New Phytologist 229, 1326-1338.

5. Gong XY*, Tcherkez G, Wenig J, Schäufele R* & Schnyder H (2018)Determination of leaf respiration in the light: comparison between an isotopic disequilibrium method and the Laisk method. New Phytologist, 218, 1371-1382

6. Gong XY, Schäufele R, Lehmeier C, Tcherkez G & Schnyder H* (2017) Atmospheric CO2 mole fraction affects stand-scale carbon use efficiency of sunflower by stimulating respiration in light. Plant, Cell and Environment, 40, 401-412

7. Gong XY*, Schäufele R & Schnyder H* (2017) Bundle-sheath leakiness and intrinsic water-use efficiency of a perennial C4 grass are increased at high VPD during growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68, 321-333.

8. Liu HT, Yang F, Gong XY*, Schäufele R & Schnyder H* (2017) An oxygen isotope chronometer for cellulose deposition: the successive leaves formed by tillers of a C4 perennial grass. Plant, Cell and Environment,40, 2121-2132

9. Liu HT, Gong XY*, Schäufele R Yang F, Hirl R & Schnyder H* (2016) Nitrogen fertilization and δ18O of CO2 have no effect on 18O-enrichment of leaf water and cellulose in Cleistogenes squarrosa (C4) – is VPD the sole control? Plant, Cell and Environment, 39 (12), 2701-2712

10. Gong XY, Giese K, Dittert K, Lin S* & Taube F (2016) Topography influences on shoot litter and root decomposition in semiarid hilly grasslands. Geoderma, 282, 112-119

11. Gong XY, Schäufele R*, Feneis W & Schnyder H* (2015) 13CO2/12CO2 exchange fluxes in a clamp-on leaf cuvette: disentangling artifacts and flux components. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38(11), 2417-2432

12. Gong XY, Fanselow N, Dittert K, Taube F & Lin S* (2015) Response of primary production and biomass allocation to nitrogen and water supplementation along a grazing intensity gradient in semiarid grassland. European Journal of Agronomy, 63, 27-35


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements


科研项目 Research projects

1. 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目,增温对植物日间呼吸速率和碳利用效率的影响机制,2022-2026238万,主持

2. 福建省百人计划,同位素生理生态,2021-2023200万,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,应用13C信号分异法解析植物呼吸作用对大气CO2浓度升高的响应机制,2019 - 202260万,主持,结题

4. 广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目,作物叶肉导度对水分胁迫和氮素添加的响应以及对作物水分利用效率影响的定量研究,2018 - 202110万,主持,结题

5. 德国科学基金会(DFG)项目,Divers and mechanisms of 13C discrimination in Cleistogenes squarrosa2012-2016~100万,执行主持,结题

6.德国科学基金会大型研究团体项目DFG research groupMatter fluxes in grasslands of Inner Mongolia as influenced by stocking rate2004-2009,参加


研究生培养Graduate Student Cultivation
